Welcome to Oxford Tabla
Who We Are:-
Oxford Tabla (formerly the Pitt Rivers Tabla Group) are some Oxford based musicians who enthusiastically promote Indian tabla in all kinds of music and who invite musicians from all walks of musical life to experiment in Indian music with them.
Oxford Tabla support and encourage the style of Benares tabla. This is a fairly uncommon style of solo tabla playing from India with an emphasis on passion, rhythm and intensity.
Caroline Tapp (Prabhakar (B. Mus) in tabla) teaches tabla on-line via zoom and also by arrangement, in person privately, in Oxford. Tabla practice sessions (riaz) during term time are free. Group tabla practice sessions are suspended currently.
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Tabla Self-Teaching Videos:-
The video below is a sample of the Tabla Self-Teaching Videos.
To find them on our site please click:
Play Tabla - Oxford
This video:-
Baithak - The Art House:-
Oxford Tabla support "Baithak - The Art House" in Bhopal (India). Please take a look at our "BAITHAK" menu for information and updates on "Baithak - The Art House."
Oxford Tabla at the Pitt Rivers Museum:-
North Indian tabla was back in the PRM after many years. It was so wonderful to demonstrate, give some short performances and to finish by letting people of all ages try out tabla for themselves – this all happened in 2018 and 2019. Looking back, it was an amazing experience and we had so hoped to do the same last year and the year before last... but alas... COVID. Fingers crossed however that we’ll be there again soon!
To see all photos from those two years, please click:-
21st July and 15th September – News & Events 2018
26th January, 27 July and 7th September – News & Events 2019

Above: photos taken by Andy McLellan of PRM during our July 2018 session
This is an extract from Sharda Sahai's fabulous 1998 solo performance in Miami, with accompaniment provided by Master sarangi player Ramesh Mishra.